Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is a mission’s group for women of all ages. We meet the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM, in different homes. At each meeting we eat, have a devotion and prayer time, and we discuss and plan various mission projects that we participate in throughout the year. Come and enjoy the fellowship as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
At His Feet
At His Feet is a small group for young women who are busy with jobs and families and need time to connect with other women and the Lord. The group is facilitated by Sheri McGee and Kristi Key and held the second Monday of each month at Sheri’s home, at 6:30pm. We share in each other’s lives as we go through this journey as Christian women. We spend time in the word at the feet of Jesus as well as sharing each other’s joys and burdens. We begin each gathering with food and fellowship! For more information on this group.
Young Adults
Our Young Adults meets every Sunday Morning at 9:15 am for a small group bible study. We focus on bible studies that will help prepare our young adults for the challenges they face in our world today. We also spend time with each other in social events and volunteering together in mission events at church and outside the church.
Men’s Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry at Grace Baptist Church is made up of men of all ages. We meet at the church on the first Thursday night of each month at 6:30pm for a time of food, fellowship and spiritual growth. Our men are involved in the maintenance around our church and provide handyman services for our members and throughout our community. Over the past several years, we have participated in construction projects in North Carolina, Idaho, New York, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska.
Timeless Treasures
If you are 55 years and older, we have a wonderful ministry for you here at Grace Baptist Church. We have monthly fellowships which include a time for devotions and prayers, games, entertainment, themed events and always great food. We would love to have you join us. We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month at 6:30pm in the church Fellowship Hall. However, due to COVID-19, Timeless Treasures is not currently meeting.